This application is written because I had to make a complaint about my Internet connection to my ISP. The ISP directed me to a place on the Internet to download a test tool. Obviously, and not to any-body's surprise, there where only clients available for for Microsoft Windows and Mac!

By doing some research on the Internet, with a little help from Google, I discovered that the back-end was developed by a government contractor in Sweden and that the source and complete specifications are licensed under GPL. This gave me the opportunity to develop a client for GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and Solaris, which I hereby make available to the world:-)

Because I am a strong supporter of Free and Open software I grant anybody the permission to use my application and source code according to the permissions in GNU GPL. I also dedicate this small piece of contribution to the world of free software to Richard M. Stallman as one of my greatest sources for inspiration.